What exactly is a Scar Treatment Cream?

April 12, 2012

Scars, Skin Care

Dermefface FX7™ Scar Reduction TherapyScars tell a tale of damaged skin and an event that caused such trauma towards the body. Scarring shows signs that the wound has healed. For the reason that sense, it’s like your body is letting you know it has put the past behind and it’s ready to move on.

However the body and the mind are two different creatures.

While physical scarring is rarely a health concern, it could affect one’s confidence. And on the summer days, or in the intimacy of one’s bedroom, they’re unflattering reminders where the body is and might reduce once-sexy skin to an exterior that’s, well, scarred.

A scar treatment cream fades scars, including those that are undoubtedly still in formation and scars that are well-established. With that in mind, a developing scar, typically inside the first six months of the wound, stands the best chance of dramatic fading.

Scars: The Why and The How

Scars form when skin has been traumatized. The greater severity of the injury, the more likely the scar will be prominent. Common causes of scars include:

  • acne
  • chicken pox
  • burns
  • injury
  • surgery
  • child-birth by caesarian section
  • Striae, better known as stretch marks, are a common form of scarring caused by pregnancy, though scarring can take many shapes and be substantially more noticeable than the thin striations of stretch marks.

When skin is damaged, it goes through a four-stage recovery process characterized by:

  • Hemostasis – During which blood clots over the wound
  • Inflammation – When the body removes bacteria, foreign particles and damaged cells from the wound
  • Proliferation – The point at which skin cells spread, covering the wound and a key role in the healing process
  • Remodeling – When the scar forms, with the new collagen matrix formed and cross-linked

This is a simplified telling of the scarring process, of course, and these stages can overlap at various points. Depending on the origin and severity of the injury, a scar can take two years to produce.

To visibly fade a scar, it can help to treat the wound while it’s still recovering. If you can apply a scar removal cream, like Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy within three months of the injury, the greater your chance of minimizing the scar.

What to Look For in a Scar Treatment Cream

Scar treatment creams are products that incorporate antioxidants and botanicals with patented peptides like ProCollOne to stimulate natural collagen production, slough off dead skin cells and replace them with healthy, normal and, notably, undamaged skin cells.

A scar removing cream involves the subcutaneous, dermis and epidermis tissue. Collaborating with the skin’s 28-day regeneration process, it’s designed to strike a fragile balance involving the skin-strengthening collagen I and the skin-healing collagen III.

This point cannot be understated, because an excessive amount of collagen could add size and discoloration to an already developing scar. Yet if there’s not enough collagen as the scar develops, the scar will be vulnerable to reinjury.

To make this happen balance of collagen production, it’s advisable to choose a scar reduction cream formulated with patented peptides, such as ProCollOne, which is clinically proven to stimulate natural collagen production by up to 1,190%.

Also consider that antioxidants and natural moisturizers, including niacinamide, beta glucan and hydrolyzed soybean fiber can gently expedite the skin regeneration process, for optimum skin health and a vibrancy that can’t be achieved with laser treatments or steroids.

If you should be thinking about a scar removing cream, consider Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy by Skinception, which in addition to meeting the prerequisites described above, is reported to show visible reduction of scars after just four weeks of use.

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